Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Welcome To Wellington: 3 Man & Aioli Sauce

Our first experience in Wellington came around 8:00pm on Sunday, after an entire day of riding on a bus.  We were welcomed by huge gusts of cold wind, one after another, as we unloaded our things.  Not the warmest welcome.

We made the decision that Monday night would be a party night, after making friends with some traveling Canadians and their UK buddies.  After a delightful game of 3-man, through which I was often the 3-man and drank most of my bottle of wine, we rounded up the troops and headed out for our first night out in Wellington.  There really isn't much else to write about the night, considering it was a Monday and we were pretty much the only ones out.

"Inspiring Words" hosted by NZ Post

Tuesday, Mai and I met up with a guy I contacted through Wellington volleyball named Earl.  He offered to put us up for a few nights at his place and also informed us that we'd be playing volleyball the following night.  We did so, and although the volleyball was indoor 6's, it was pretty good quality and we had a fairly good time. 

Mai's two cents: Volleyball was pretty good except playing with old men means two things: 1. old men think they're AWESOME even when they are only barely scraping the skills of an average player. 
2. old men ALWAYS think they are better volleyball players than women... i.e. old men love to jump in front of me.

Thus, playing volleyball with old men means I have to work on my "Bean" skills: deep breathing and patience. 

A local Wellington bookstore.

Wednesday nights in Wellington is Student Night at the local bars.  "What does that mean?" you might ask.  Well, with the legal drinking age at 18 years old, it meant that everyone 18 and older was in one of the copious number of bars on Courtenay Place while those who wished they were 18 drank out of brown paper bags and merrily ran a much on the sidewalks of Courtenay place.  We watched the latter group as we munched on some Burger Fuel fries, served with delicious aioli sauce (we NEED this at home, so good).

Mai's two cents again:  Aioli sauce is "bomb", as Emma would say.  Student Night is also one of the few times I felt like an old prude.  If I had enough sweaters, pants and shoes, I would have tried to dress the 15-16 year old girls wearing "tube tops" as dresses and taken off their 4-5 inch heels because looking like a prostitute and stumbling around on stilts really shouldn't be a style.  Although I whole heartedly enjoyed the people watching, I couldn't help but worry about the potential pneumonia epidemic that is bound to occur amongst these teens as well as continually replay the famous question, "It's 10:00 do you know where your children are?". The answer is "no" because no parent in their right mind would allow their 15 year old to wander Courtenay Place plastered, on stilts and barely dressed :) 

But if you're a people watcher, like Brian and I are.. Wednesday nights is definitely the night. 

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