Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vassar in New Zealand!

Thursday, we met up with fellow Vassar Alum, Camille!  We had been in contact with her since we even thought of the idea to come here, so it was a pleasure to finally meet her.  She took us to a sort of hidden area that housed a hole-in-the-wall, yet masterpiece of a Malaysian Restaurant.  We chatted over some delicious dishes (curry soup, a noodle dish) accompanied with the local favorite (though AustralianGinger Beer

Camille works in the public health sector for the New Zealand government.  She has been in New Zealand for four years now and is a legal resident.  Information we learned from her:

  • New Zealand is a small country thus everyone gossips. if you're working a particular field, such as the health field, you are more than likely going to come across the same people multiple times in your life-- so don't step on any toes
  • There's about 25% of the population that is out of the country at a given time- traveling.  Although it is expensive for a New Zealander to travel the world, they don't view it as an option rather they view traveling as an essential life experience. 
  • Because healthcare is free, kiwis don't receive the higher end medicines although if they genuinely want to spend the money, they can often order their medicine through Oz. 
  • Healthcare is also taken less seriously.  People generally don't go to doctors anytime they get a sniffle. They also wait for long periods of time to see specialists such as gynecologists without complaint. (is this in America's future? doubtful)
  • Abortion in this country is common and free. There is a check process where the woman intending to receive an abortion must see various counselors to ensure that she has not rushed her decision.  If the doctors/counselors feel that the woman is not getting an abortion for the "right reasons", she may be denied. The woman is also offered counseling after the abortion process is complete.  For a non-resident, an abortion costs around 850 kiwi dollars.
  • Abortions are common because sexual practices in this country are apparently "loose".  Camille was told by a friend that she should "sleep around until she finds a person she wants to see again"!  (New Zealand has a high rate of STDs such as the "CLAP") Thus Durex uses New Zealand as its test population for all of its new products. crazy!
  • In New Zealand, workers must be given 4 weeks of paid vacation every year.  If an individual is injured at work or sick, the ACC covers everything.  For example, if they are in a car accident, the individual will be paid their salary as well as sent a nanny to care for their children and clean their homes.  Their job must also remain open for them during this period.  The downside is, from the American point of view, if some idiot slams into your vehicle- you are not allowed to sue. LET ME REPEAT: NO SUING. 

We also learned that Wellington is on a fault and I guess any minute now the city can crumble.  Sweet.  The honeycomb (New Zealand's parliament) is built on springs so in case the city falls, at least Parliament can still be in session. 

So after our meal with Camille and our lesson about New Zealand life, we had some of the best gelato I have EVER HAD from Kaffee Eis (pronounced "caffe ice"... clever, huh?). There are a couple flavors we would suggest: Coconut and Biscotti

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